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lundi 13 mai 2013

install OS X on your Mac - Who can install it and how to do?

SX MOUNTAIN LION is not sold on DVD. 10.8 is not sold (as was also the case with LION) on APPLE STORE on bootable USB drive. MOUNTAIN LION is only available for download via APP STORE.
Although the installation process is essentially identical to the one we knew in the past (launch facility and possibly recovering data and settings via "Migration Wizard"), the fact of not having to change bootable DVD the situation and may disturb some users. It is possible to make yourself a bootable USB drive .... having previously purchased MOUNTAIN LION on APP STORE.

Who can install MOUNTAIN LION?
Is your Mac ready for MOUNTAIN LION?

Are you ready to install the new OS X on your hard drive? But do you have the system requirements for OS X?
Mac OS X 10.8 Lion only works on the newer Intel Mac. MOUNTAIN LION therefore can not be installed on older G3, G4, G5 (PowerPC).

In addition, starting MOUNTAIN LION in 64 bit, it is also necessary to have a Mac INTEL allowing the system to boot in 64 bits. The first Mac INTEL-based Core Duo processor does not allow it. You will not be able to install MOUNTAIN LION if you have a Mac with an Intel Core Duo processor.

To check if your Mac is compatible or not with MOUNTAIN LION, go to the "Apple" menu, select "About this Mac". Then click on "System Report". In the window that opens, click on the top left on "Hardware" line. Then look in the right column line "Model Identifier" what exactly is your Mac model:

Are compatible with MOUNTAIN LION 10.8, identifiers following model:

MacBookPro3, 1 and newer models.
MacBook5, 1 and newer models.
MacBookAir2, 1 and newer models.
Macmini3, 1 and newer models.
MacPro3, 1 and newer models.
iMac7, 1 and newer models.
XServe3, 1 (minimum)
Check at the same time (in the same window line "version of the Boot ROM") that the "firmware" on your computer is up to date (see below), as this is very important. Indeed, the firmware updates are quite frequent (including Mac Intel) and these updates are vital for the proper functioning of your Mac.
Finally, it is necessary to be either Snow Leopard 10.6 or 10.7 in order to install LION MOUNTAIN LION 10.8. In fact, the installer downloaded APP STORE is not running LEOPARD and versions prior system.
Buy MOUNTAIN LION download on APP STORE: only option to acquire MOUNTAIN LION
As I announced in the preamble, MOUNTAIN LION is not available on DVD bootable installation. Unlike LION 10.7, it is also possible to go to the Apple site on AppStore to buy a USB installation MOUNTAIN LION bootable. Apple has indeed abandoned this option.
To obtain MOUNTAIN LION, the only possibility is to go to APP STORE (create an account on APP STORE if it is not already), and buy online the new cat for the low price of 15 , 99 €.Depending on your Internet connection, you need a few minutes to a few hours to download the 4GB installer.
If you buy MOUNTAIN LION via the APP STORE, you will however be possible to make yourself a bootable USB drive from the installer purchased on APP STORE. You have the USB key blank to buy (if necessary). It is even possible to burn a bootable installation DVD MOUNTAIN LION from the installer purchased on APP STORE. If you absolutely want to have a physical medium, I advise you to buy and download MOUNTAIN LION on APP STORE, then you make a USB stick or a bootable installation DVD.
Method to make a USB stick or a bootable installation DVD from the downloaded installer on APP STORE
It is necessary to have a blank USB drive of sufficient size (minimum 8 GB according to the article below), and it is also necessary to format the key in Mac OS Extended (HFS +), as a hard disk. Use it to "Disk Utility" as described in the trick "Initialize, format and partition the disk."
To make a DVD, grab you a blank DVD.
You will find this method on many websites, such as ICI on the site "ohmymac" for example.
Another method, requiring the use of a free program called "Lion Disk Maker" is also available on the blog HERE Serial Server.
By making you a DVD or USB installation MOUNTAIN LION on your own bootable, you will have the possibility to re-install MOUNTAIN LION without having to re-download again MOUNTAIN LION 10.8 on APP STORE. I advise you to make a bootable USB drive rather than a bootable DVD. It is more reliable and much faster to use.
My opinion: If make a bootable USB and / or key bootable DVD costs nothing and can be indeed useful. I invite you to do so, just in case. However, there is another way to install and re-install MOUNTAIN LION without difficulty, without using a USB stick or a bootable DVD or even re-downloading MOUNTAIN LION on APP STORE. Simply relying on the clone (if you have a clone). It is still, in my opinion, the easiest and best solution. This is the method that I recommend you to install MOUNTAIN LION (and re-install MOUNTAIN LION if necessary). All the details of this method you are given a little lower.
Partition hard drives?Do I need an external drive (or a second internal hard drive if you have a MacPro drive)? The answer is yes.I urge you to buy a second external hard drive large (500GB, 1TB or more). This is to accommodate a partition for the clone / backup your main OS X volume and / or a dedicated "Time Machine" partition (see tips "Backup and Clone" and "Time Machine" on this site for more details).
Should partition or not his / her record (s) drive (s)? Some "purists" believe that it is unnecessary for OS X (I do not really see why! Although Apple always offers us this opportunity ... it's not for nothing!). Partition hard drives is obviously not a necessity or a requirement, but can sometimes be very convenient to use:- It would be such a shame to book an entire external hard drive 1TB clone, while a single partition hard enough for him! No?- You can also install a partition in Windows with Bootcamp (you do not want to install Windows on the same partition as Mac OS X anyway!).
I leave everyone the right to organize his / her record (s) drive (s) as it sees fit, to / the partition or not. To define how you organize your work environment to fit your desires and your needs. The important thing is to do "as you like it." It's up to you! To give you an idea, here is a simple suggestion of organization (it is just a simple suggestion that far from my desire -. Lend me some critics - you impose anything).1) Senior Internal Hard Drive 500 GB (formatted HFS + Mac OS Extended Journaled) for "OS X" Book this internal hard drive to install Mac OS X MOUNTAIN LION. If your internal hard drive is Sizeable (current Macs have hard drives of 500 GB or more), you can of course also the partition if you feel like it. For example, you can create a second partition for storage partition "work area" used for all your video encoding etc ...
It is important to leave enough free space on your OS X volume, because OS X needs space to operate normally. I advise you to leave the minimum 15% free space on the volume for OS X.If your hard drive is small (old Mac), it is worthwhile to invest in an external hard drive ... or restrict the installation of third party applications and storing large files do not stifle OS X.2) External Hard Drive 1TB:1 HFS + Partition 300 GB (Mac OS Extended Journaled) for "backup clone" You will regularly will clone your OS X volume with a suitable tool, such as the excellent "Super Duper" (see tip "Backup and Clone" on site). You can also start at any time of the clone to repair, optimize and defragment your volume "OS X" Main or reinstalling MOUNTAIN LION. In case of a major glitch with your OS X volume, you will be pleased to have such a clone.1 Partition 700 GB HFS + (Mac OS Extended Journaled) for "Time Machine": The second partition will be dedicated to incremental backups "Time Machine".
Do not create a partition for your applications. Better to install your applications in for this purpose "Applications" folder. Also leave your "Users" folder in its proper place. Do not move the files installed by MOUNTAIN LION. You create partitions for backups, clones, personal files, storage areas etc. ...
Also, if you plan to use "Boot Camp" to install Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7 or 8 on your internal drive, "BootCamp" can not create a new partition if you have partitioned your internal disk.
In short, you know, reading the above, it is better to have hard drives of capacity to really be comfortable and work in good conditions. If this is not your case, plan to add an external hard drive (or internal depending on your configuration), "firewire" 2 or USB drive.
Important: If you partition your hard disk, you should choose the appropriate partition scheme: "GUID Partition Table" for Mac Intel. Read trick "Initialize, format and partition your hard drive in OS X".
About SSDs
SSDs (Solid State Drive) use flash memory which provides performance and resistance far superior. SSDs are much faster than USB, Firewire or Thunderbolt drives. However, SSD hard drives are more expensive, although the prices are much more attractive in recent months (to be reckoned about 400 € for an SSD of 512 GB). Moreover, even if MOUNTAIN LION now supports TRIM (TRIM is a command that allows an operating system to indicate a disk controller flash memory type (SSD) which blocks of data are no longer used and can therefore be erased. This command improves access performance SSDs), this management is restricted in OS X to not accept that SSDs installed by Apple (which are much more expensive). For SSDs not installed by Apple, you need to enable TRIM with "Trim Enabler" or MacBiTrim (proposed by Franck Mereo and available on the site MacBidouille).
Installing MOUNTAIN LION by LION upgrade
By default, Apple recommends installing MOUNTAIN LION directly on your volume under LION. This is certainly the easiest solution, but to be honest it's not one that I recommend. Indeed, it is much better to install the new system MOUNTAIN LION on a disk / partition initialized (e) and therefore a virgin. MOUNTAIN deserves better than just "update" of LION. Installing MOUNTAIN LION on a disk / partition initialized (e) you will guarantee a stable and "clean" system. You do not install all the same system every day, then preferably opt for a clean install (Clean Install).
However, if you decide to install MOUNTAIN LION by this method, follow these steps:
a) Purchase and download MOUNTAIN LION on APP STORE.
b) Once the download is complete, do not start on the installation procedure. Before the start, I suggest you make a bootable USB drive or bootable DVD, as indeed he should know that installing MOUNTAIN LION LION above, the installer will be deleted when installing MOUNTAIN LION will be completed. You will then be required to re-download the installer if necessary (everyone does not have an ultra high speed internet connection).
c) Run the installation MOUNTAIN LION from the downloaded installer, or from the bootable USB drive that you crafted you. Follow the installation process by selecting well your main drive (or master volume) disk, where the Lion is already installed.

d) re-start your Mac alone, do nothing and let the well installation process go to completion. You will then quickly MOUNTAIN LION.

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